
Wissenschaftlich nicht begutachtete Veröffentlichungen:

Magid, J. (2013): A note on sewage sludge - risk assessments and fertilization value. Archived at

Wollmann, I., K. Möller (2015): Assessment of Alternative Phosphorus Fertilizers for Organic Farming: Sewage Precipitation Products. Archived at:

Möller, K. (2016): Presentación de los resultados más importantes del projecto IMPROVE-P – Mejoramiento de la eficiencia del uso de fósforo en la agricultura orgánica via recyclaje más eficiente y movilización biológica del fósforo en el suelo. Archived at http:/

Möller, K. (2016) IMPROVE-P - Assessing the suitability of recycling phosphorus fertilizers for organic farming. University of Hohenheim, Germany. Archived at:

Friedel, J.K., Möller, K. (2015): Wie soll der Biolandbau mit Phosphor versorgt werden? – Gibt es geeignete Recyclingdünger? [How to supply organic farming with phosphorus? - Are suitable recycled fertilisers available?] Bio Austria Fachzeitschrift für Landwirtschaft und Ökologie, Juni 2015, 2015/3, p. 23.Archived at:

Möller, K. (2015): Compost and digestates from urban organic wastes as Alternative Phosphorus Fertilizers.

Möller, K. (2015): Assessment of Alternative Phosphorus Fertilizers for Organic Farming: Bone meal and meat and bone meal as phosphorus fertilizers.

Möller, K. (2016): Assessment of Alternative Phosphorus Fertilizers for Organic Farming: Chars, Ashes, and Slags.

Cooper, J., Loes, A. K., Hörtenhuber, S., Mäder, P., Magid, J., Oberson, A., & Möller, K. (2016). Meeting P Demand in European organic farms: Is it time to change the Standard?. Proceedings of ESA 14-Growing landscapes-Cultivating innovative agricultural systems, 5-9 September 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Möller, K. (2016): Vorstellung der wichtigsten Ergebnisse des EU-Projekts IMPROVE-P – Erhöhung der Phosphor-Effizienz im ökologischen Landbau durch Recycling und Steigerung der biologischen P-Mobilisierung im Boden.

Cooper, J., Loes, A. K., Hörtenhuber, S., Mäder, P., Magid, J., Oberson, A., & Möller, K. (2016). Meeting P Demand in European organic farms: Is it time to change the Standard?. Proceedings of ESA 14-Growing landscapes-Cultivating innovative agricultural systems, 5-9 September 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Fischinger, Stephanie A.; Möller, Kurt; Römer, Wilhelm und Steffens, Diedrich (2014) Phosphor im Kreislauf. [Phosphorus Cycling.] bioland, Dezember 2014 (12), pp. 11-13. Archived at:




Wissenschaftlich begutachtete Publikationen:

Meyer, G., Bünemann, E. K., Frossard, E., Maurhofer, M., Mäder, P., Oberson, A. (2017). Gross phosphorus fluxes in a calcareous soil inoculated with Pseudomonas protegens CHA0 revealed by 33 P isotopic dilution. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 104, 81-94.

Foereid, B. (2017). Phosphorus availability in residues as fertilizers in organic agriculture. Agricultural and Food Science 26, 25-33. DOI:

Thonar, C., Lekfeldt, J. D. S., Cozzolino, V., Kundel, D., Kulhánek, M., Mosimann, C., ... & Walder, F. (2017). Potential of three microbial bio-effectors to promote maize growth and nutrient acquisition from alternative phosphorous fertilizers in contrasting soils. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 4, 7. DOI 10.1186/s40538-017-0088-6.

Hörtenhuber, S.J., M. Theurl, J.K. Friedel, K. Möller: The environmental impact of the production of recycled phosphorus fertilizers assessed by life cycle assessments. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (in press).

Cooper, J., E.Y. Reed, S. Hörtenhuber, Th. Lindenthal, A.K. Løes, P. Mäder, J. Magid, A. Oberson, H. Kolbe, K. Möller: Phosphorus availability on many organically managed farms in Europe. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (in press).

Wollmann, I., A. Gauro, T. Müller, K. Möller (2018): Phosphorus bioavailability of recycled fertilizers from sewage sludge tested in a legume based crop rotation. Journal Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (in Press).
DOI: 10.1002/jpln.201700111.

K. Möller, K., E. Bünemann, J. Cooper, B. Foreid, J. Friedel, N. Glæsner, A.K. Løes, G. Meyer, P. Mäder, T. Müller, S. Symanczik, L. Weissengruber, A. Oberson, I. Wollmann, J. Magid: Improved phosphorus recycling in organic farming: navigating between constraints. Advances in Agronomy (in press).

Lemming, C., Oberson, A., Hund, A., Jensen, L. S., & Magid, J. (2016). Opportunity costs for maize associated with localised application of sewage sludge derived fertilisers, as indicated by early root and phosphorus uptake responses. Plant and soil 406, 201-217.

Benke, A.P., A.-M. Rieps, I. Wollmann, I. Petrova, S. Zikeli, K. Möller (2017): Fertilizer value and nitrogen transfer efficiencies with clover-grass ley biomass based fertilizers. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 107, 395-411. DOI 10.1007/s10705-017-9844-z.

Løes, A.K., E.K. Bünemann, J. Cooper, S. Hörtenhuber, J. Magid, A. Oberson, K. Möller (2016): Nutrient supply to organic agriculture as governed by EU regulations and standards in six European countries. Organic Agriculture 7, 395–418. DOI 10.1007/s13165-016-0165-3.

Zikeli, S., L. Deil, K. Möller (2017): The challenge of imbalanced nutrient flows in organic farming systems: A study of Organic greenhouses in Southern Germany. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 244, 1-13.